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Brand Guide Revant Optics


building a rock-solid foundation to withstand explosive growth

Revant Optics reached an inflection point. New ownership and plans for ambitious growth had the engines primed for lift-off, but an outdated set of brand guidelines was putting the whole mission in jeopardy. As creative lead, I created a new guide to launch Revant into the future.

Note: To protect operational data belonging to Revant, these examples don't show the guide in its entirety.


Vision, Values, and a Better Way Forward

Before any brand book dives into the details, you should set some things straight. Aligning your people around your mission, vision, and values can guide difficult decisions, create team cohesion, and provide motivation to reach ambitious goals. I worked with the Revant Leadership team and new corporate owners to define the company's future with lasting brand statements.


Finding the Right Voice

Revant needed a refined writing strategy that blends the company's precise technical knowledge with approachable language, wit, and personality. I worked with Senior Copywriter Nick Fisher to find the correct balance and provide an easy-to-follow guide for other team members.


Creating a System

Successful brands are recognizable and consistent. I developed extensive guidelines for typography, iconography, logo usage, and visual styling. These style guides ensure new creative partners can nail the Revant aesthetic on day one.


Defining a Consistent Visual Language

Photographing sunglasses is hard, really hard, and executing with consistency even more so. I have spent years in the studio and the field refining my techniques to create a detailed guide to help creators tell their stories in the Revant fashion and avoid common pitfalls.


Leading the Way

Reading a set of rules is one thing, but to understand a concept completely an example or two never hurts. I provided dozens of examples with detailed breakdowns to help solidify the theories behind the new guidelines. These samples are illustrated guides for everything from social media captions to website templates.


Navigating change can be challenging. Whether you need a rebrand, a refresh, or just the directional nudge your brand is searching for, I can help. Let's discuss your opportunities.


Want to see more?

My work isn't limited to high-level strategy. From premium photography, to graphic and motion design, to physical products and packaging, I offer the tools your brand needs to scale.